Englisch / Deutsch

SRA Börsborn

Judge Heather Wiles-Fone (GB)
Blacksugar Luis – Jug.-Ch. GER VDH&LCD, LUX, NL & B
(A Sense Of Pleasure’s I’m A Joker x Blacksugar Ibiza)
In a strong group Blacksugar Luis could win the Intermediate class and gets an EXE 1 (Anw. Dt. Ch. VDH & LCD CAC) and becomes Best Male of the day. At the end he becomes BOB (Best of Breed)!!!!


Eyecatching black, displaying superb balance and class. Well shaped head, lovely clean neck, flowing into well placed shoulders. Deep through the chest and body. Superb coat, short coupled, strong topline with tail coming straight of the back, strong well developed quarters, enabling him to cover the ground with ease when moving. Shows attentively a top quality labrador.

Thanks to the judge for the very nice report as well as for the kind words.
It was a very, very good exhibition at a wonderful place, well organized. Thanks to the special line and the helpers!!!!!!