This wonderful summary was sent by the judge Heather Wiles-Fone to the RCL (Retriever Club Luxemburg)
Heather, Thank you very much for the very nice words about our Luis!! We were moved to tears!
It was a pleasure to come to Luxembourg to judge Labradors at the Retriever Club Show on 19 th July . It was a perfect venue at Mertert and provided plenty of shade for the dogs on such a hot day .
I was very impressed with the overall quality of the dogs and almost all were presented in very good condition . In some classes the competition was so high it was a matter of “ splitting hairs“ and on another day the dogs could change places .
My Best of Breed CH . Blacksugar Luis , is in my opinion an outstanding Labrador . I have judged him before ,over a year ago , and he has matured into a magnificent specimen , his conformation is superb and displays quality of the highest order . He was presented in “ tip top“ condition and shows with great style for his expert handler . A great dog …wish he was mine !
I cannot let it pass without mentioning the organisation of the show . It was excellent . Ferny and her team did a great job in making everything run smoothly and what a lovely happy atmosphere
I felt privileged to have judged at this show and thank you so much for inviting me .
Lastly but not least , a big thank you to all the exhibitors without whom the show cannot take place . It was so enjoyable meeting you all and I certainly have very happy memories of a great show .
Heather. Wiles- Fone