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A successful weekend in England – Luis becomes UK Champion!!!

Once again it was showtime for us in England and so we showed our Luis on Saturday, 14.10.2017 at the Northumberland & Durham LRC Championship Show and Sunday, 15.10.2017 at the North West LRC Championship Show 15.10.2017. We can be very happy because on both days Luis won the Open Class and also became BEST MALE with CC. With winning these 2 CC’S he now has all points together and is.


***** UK-CHAMPION *****


To crown it all, he was also awarded BEST IN SHOW on both days. We are very happy about this success at the qualitatively and quantitatively (1st day: approx. 200 entries / 2nd day approx. 300 entries) very well attended shows. At this point again THANKS to the judges: 1st day: Isobel Key (GB) – males & BIS and Ann Britton (GB) – BIS / 2nd day Linda Heron (GB) – males & BIS and Philippe Lammens (F) – BIS.