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LCD-Show, Neuwied-Linkenbach / Judge: Galina Motor (RUS) In bright sunshine we participated in the show in Neustadt-Linkenbach and we can be happy about the following results with the boys:   At his first start in the champion class Jgd. Ch. & CH Atticus For...


Luis (UK CH & CIE BLACKSUGAR LUIS) celebrates today 6th birthday We can hardly believe it, but our Luis is already 6 years old today. Congratulations and we wish you many more healthy and happy years! For us a really good reason to celebrate and to look back on...


🐾Youth Ch. ATTICUS FOR LOCH MOR „Tico“ 🐾 (Nelson For Loch Mor Of Finnwoods x Swanslake Princess) – now also Swiss Exhibition Champion Our Tico is now allowed to start in the Champion class, because …… the SWISS EXHIBITION CHAMPION has...


We had a wonderful day …at Jolanda Reuling-Keurentjes & Paul Reuling. Cuddling the puppies after Rosie and our Tico. Sooooo nice!!!!! THANK YOU 😘😘. You do this with sooooooo much ❤ 😘...


International & National Dog Show, Kreuzlingen (CH) C️H – Saturday, 08-04-2018 Judge: Gerda Groeneweg-De Klerk (NL) – International Judge: Zofia Konderla (PL) – National   It was show time in Switzerland for our two yellow boys today and...


On 14.07.2018 the DRC Clubshow took place.   In the shady ring our boys presented themselves again really great and could place all 3 in qualitatively strong competition.   B-Jgd. Ch. Atticus For Loch Mor „Tico“ – intermediate class (3...