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Now it is official – we hold the certificate in our hands: ❤️ Atticus For Loch Mor „Tico“ ❤️ (Nelson For Loch Mor of Finnwood’s X Swanslake Princess) has a STUD BOOK NUMBER and is now Crufts qualified for life! We are so happy. Now it’s...


75. IRAS, Karlsruhe Judge: Barbara Krumpak (SLO) Second show-day was like the first day: wonderful ♥️♥️♥️ Once again our 2 boys showed their best and got super results. With these results they finished 3 Champion titles!!!!   ANUEDIS MAN ON THE MOON...


8. Nationale Rassehunde Ausstellung Karlsruhe Judge: Mag. Dr. Katja Wolf (AT) Wonderful start of our show-weekend with Scotty and Pepe!   ANUEDIS MAN ON THE MOON „Pepe“ EXC1 in a very big Youth class with Yth-CAC (VDH & DRC), Best Youngster and at...


Another reason to celebrate: Our „Tico“ Atticus For Loch Mor (Nelson For Loch Mor Of Finnwoods x Swanslake Princess) was awarded the title „DRC Champion“. Today the certificate 🏆was in the post. We are very pleased and would like to thank the...


Today we had a reason to celebrate again and that is the third birthday of our Tico „Atticus For Loch Mor“. It’s so nice to have you, you are our sunshine. We wish you all the best and love and look forward to many more healthy and common years with...


Wow… the time flies and we can celebrate the birthday of 2 buddies:   Scotty „Loch Mor Budweiser“ – 25.09.2015 – 4 years Luis „Blacksugar Luis“ – 26.09.2012 – 7 years   We wish you continued good health...