CHRISTMAS WISHES We wish you for Christmas time a package full of serenity, who will save you the Christmas days, smooth the waves full of hectic. We wish you for Christmas time a package full of contemplation, that shows you the values to call them at... Happy birthday ♥ ️Pepe ♥ ️ Jgd. CH Anuedis Man On the Moon (Sandylands Man Over The Moon To Ludalor x Anuedis Red Hot Mama). Today you will be a little rascal for 2 years and we don’t want to miss a single day. With your loving and mischievous manner you enchant... Special social distance – clever boy ❤ Champions… Today we leafed through the club newspaper (online) and now we have a happy smile on our faces. 3 of our dogs have been successful recently and were able to collect the last points for various titles. Now they are on one side together and we are... ❤️ ATTICUS FOR LOCH Mor „Tico“ ❤️ is Belgian champion! Fetched the last point on February 23, 2020, applied for the title at the Belgian Kennel Club on February 23, 2020 and already received the certificate on February 27, 2020. Mega! 🤩🤩. We are so happy... CAC Ambiorixtrofee Genk, Sunday Judge: Mr. P. Krol (PL) Despite the stormy and rainy weather 🌧, we made our way to the exhibition in Genk and it was worth it. Jgd. CH Anuedis Man On The Moon „Pepe“ – youth class – EXC and Best Youngster...