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Specialty for all Retriever breeds

in Turnhout, Belgium – 17.09.2022

Judge: Gary Johnson (GB)

Yesterday we had a wonderful day at the show with our boys. We presented 4 of our boys under Gary Johnson (GB) on this great terrain and we are very happy about the results.


❤️CIE, Multi Jgd. CH, Multi CH, UK CH, World-Veteran-Winner 2021 BLACKSUGAR LUIS „Luis” ❤️ Veteran class
– EXC1
– BEST VETERAN / FCI Group 8 (Judge: Katherina Savage)


❤️CH A SENSE OF PLEASURE’S TRAVEL DEVIL „Travis“ ❤️Veteran class
– EXC4


❤️CH LOCH MOR BUDWEISER „Scotty“ ❤️ Champion class
– EXC1


❤️CH ANUEDIS MAN ON THE MOON „Pepe“ ❤️Open class
– EXC2


We would like to thank the judges very much for the great and fair judging as well as the kind words about our boys and the appreciation.
We would like to say THANK YOU to Rony Michiels and the entire team for the loving organization of the show on the great site and for the hospitality and the friendly atmosphere. We felt very comfortable and would love to come back.